March 25th, 2025
Stay up to date on the COVID-19 news and the ways global businesses, markets, finance and technology industries are reacting to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Pfizer will submit the data received to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other health regulators “as soon as possible.” However, it is unclear how much time the authorities will need to review the data and approve the vaccine.
Moderna’s mRNA vaccine has shown strong results with the delta, beta, and eta COVID-19 variants which have been the cause of concern over the last few months. The US pharma giant also secured emergency approval from the Government of India to use its vaccine for authorized purposes.
Erica York, a Tax Foundation economist, reported that most eligible Americans should automatically receive their stimulus checks and “plus-ups”.
Biden’s recovery plan includes stricter tax policies for multinational companies.
The potential efficacy in the approved Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines is spurring a delay in second dose administration by some nations, especially those with limited supplies of the jabs.
The $1.9 trillion relief bill is the US’s sixth relief package since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. The House first passed it at the end of February, but it had to return to the House after Senate proposed their changes.
The coronavirus vaccination program in the United States of America and around the world is also a boost to the growth of the global stock market.
According to a recent poll carried out by IBD/TIPP, more Americans are now willing to get vaccinated immediately when it becomes available to them.
“Nobody would have predicted that I and Dr. Fauci would be so prominent in these evil theories,” said Bill Gates.
The shares of Google were also boosted by the corresponding redesign of the search engine to feature COVID-19 related data.
With the existence of huge global demand for the vaccine, Moderna stock is expected to rally further in the coming quarters.
Markets remained uncertain during Thursday as the weekly job data shows no improvements. Instead, more Americans have filed for unemployment. Analysts believe this weakening job data will provide fodder to the Biden administration to clear their proposed $1.9 fresh stimulus.
The package involves measures and financial help for vaccine distribution as we supporting the unemployed through direct transfer benefits up to September 2021. President-elect Joe Biden said that they have no time to waste and get the ball rolling fast.
Engaging an app with a wide reach like Uber to the initiative could help counter the negative impact of the misinformation.
The AstraZeneca (AZN) shares are up today with investors bearing the sentiment that the stock will witness an improved performance thanks to the obvious advantages the Oxford-AZN vaccine has over its rivals.
With the COVID-19 outbreak, you can now get the latest coronavirus updates on Coinspeaker, ranging from its toll on the health, finance and social sector to how the world is making moves to see the end of the pandemic soon.
COVID-19 is an infectious disease that is initiated by recently discovered coronavirus easily transmitted between persons and animals. The World Health Organization declared the virus a pandemic last month after it killed thousands of people in several countries. The virus originated from Chinese Wuhan in December 2019 and is speculated to have sprung from the wet markets in the province.
With over two million cases of Coronavirus already confirmed around the globe, 125 thousand people have lost their lives to the deadly virus. The top 5 countries most hit by the virus include the USA, Italy, Spain, Germany, and France.
The coronavirus outbreak has had its adverse effect on the economy of the world, with people losing their jobs, companies going bankrupt, major shares dropping and economic recession topping the list. For example, Over 21 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits in the past three weeks after losing their jobs to the pandemic. Also, travel bans have restricted inter border trading across the globe and airlines have suffered from this too.
According to WHO, the virus that causes COVID-19 is transmitted through droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or breathes out. The virus can be contacted when a person inhales these droplets through their nose or mouth. The exhaled droplets of COVID-19 re too heavy to float in the air, and rapidly drop on floors or surfaces and survive there for up to days.
COVID-19 currently has a mortality rate of 3.4% around the world as most infected people tend to recover within two weeks of infection. The fight to overcome this pandemic has been a global effort, with most countries imposing a compulsory stay at home order and lockdown. Reports have suggested that the best way to prevent contracting the virus is by maintaining a social distance of at least two meters, washing hands regularly with soap and water, use of face mask, hand sanitizers and ensuring personal hygiene. Several health companies have created possible vaccines for coronavirus and submitted them for testing and approval.