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The Graph Foundation Scales Up, Now Supporting Polkadot, Solana, Near and Celo

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by Godfrey Benjamin · 3 min read
The Graph Foundation Scales Up, Now Supporting Polkadot, Solana, Near and Celo
Photo: The Graph

The Graph Foundation believes in the interoperability of the blockchain and decentralized finance ecosystem. Based on this, the platform is championing a cross-network partnership to unlock the full potentials of this unique feature.

The Graph Foundation has announced it will be adding support for four additional blockchains networks including Polkadot, Solana, Near, and Celo. This expansion is a major milestone for the indexing protocol which already has support for both Ethereum and IPFS.

The Graph provides the platform for querying data for blockchain services through open APIs called Subgraphs and helps in powering many applications in both Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and the broader Web3 ecosystem. The protocol’s latest integration with the four-layer 1 platforms will help third-party developers on these chains to build data extraction technologies that will bring more functionality to The Graph ecosystem.

The Graph is a huge force in today’s decentralized web ecosystem. The platform’s hosted service saw queries increase to over 11 billion in January 2021 alone atop a 100x growth in 2020. This volume and growth represent a massive shift by internet users and enterprises to Web3.

“The Graph already supports Ethereum and POA but we believe in uniting the whole Web3 ecosystem under a multi-blockchain future. By providing subgraph support across chains, developers will be able to choose the chain that best suits their needs and Ethereum developers can build interoperable applications. The Graph expanding to other Layer 1’s is an important milestone in the evolution of Web3,” said Eva Beylin, Director at The Graph Foundation.

As part of its efforts to scale up the development of subgraphs on the four newly added blockchains, The Graph Foundation is calling for developers, researchers, and community members contributing to Polkadot, Solana, Near, and Celo to apply for grants.

Graph Steering Blockchain Interoperability through with Polkadot and Others

The Graph Foundation believes in the interoperability of the blockchain and decentralized finance ecosystem. Based on this, the platform is championing a cross-network partnership to unlock the full potentials of this unique feature.

Besides the latest support for Polkadot and the other three networks, there is an ongoing plan to integrate other projects including Bitcoin, Cosmos, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain, Flow, and others in the near future.

The Graph aims to be the backbone querying protocol for all blockchain networks and its strides to achieve this are being acknowledged by its industry partners.

“With more than 10K active developers and 8K subgraphs, it’s clear that The Graph is the query technology of choice for developers building today’s decentralized applications,” said Marek Olszewski, co-founder of Celo. “This ease, combined with Celo’s mobile-first, scalable, and EVM-compatible technology, removes the complexity from blockchain making it easier for developers to build open financial systems accessible to users around the world.”

The potentials of The Graph to query tons of data without hassles remains the major points of attraction for Solana, according to Anatoly Yakovenko, President of the Solana Foundation, noting that the “integration with The Graph protocol will open up resources and tools for our developers and will allow for greater data accessibility.”

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