Taking strong interest in blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and IoT, Tatsiana Yablonskaya got deep understanding of the emerging techs believing in their potential to drive the future.
Polybius has just covered two of five weeks of its ICO and we can already talk about its success. The crowdfunding that started on May 31 has attracted more than 17 thousand participants and has passed a critical milestone: 7,897 BTC or $19,3 million in fundraising.
The activity and enthusiasm of participants allows Polybius to enable the “maximum” program. Initially launched as an authorized financial institution, Polybius now targets to become a legal and trusted provider of personal data with focus on governmental acceptance.
Polybius aims to create a truly digital environment, where any kind of data is available when required but secure from everyone else at the same time. It will become possible thanks to an all-European single KYC tool that will enable transmitting information between different entities and facilities.
Initially, Polybius will focus on Europe. A tool for the Digital Single Market development will be offered using the latest initiatives inside the European Union, such as the eIDAS initiative. Each person will have access to reliable, secure and convenient transfer of personal records.
Polybius pays considerable attention to security. “No one wants their data to be collected in a single place to later be sold on dark market. Digital Pass will be a tool with which the user can authenticate himself and facilitate data remittance, be it credit, medical, insurance, education, legal or financial information”, the company says. “The trust service, Polybius, will make sure that the data is genuine and has not been modified in a devious manner. The all-famous blockchain can be incidentally used to serve as the main accessibility tool, ensuring high level of data protection, immutability and delivery speed.”
There is still much time to join the Polybius ICO. Dividend-tokens called PLBT are offered on the official website. Polybius offers a 10% bonus added to every purchase within next week.
The tokens themselves are the byproduct of several Ethereum smart-contracts. Once the ICO is completed, the tokens will be listed on cryptocurrency exchange markets becoming tradable.
Polybius has planned a number of steps separating it from the final goal – the creation of Polybius Bank, the first digital bank that will combine features of modern banking, IoT, Big Data and Blockchain-based technologies. The Digital Pass service and technology will serve as a platform at the core of the Polybius Bank while other features may be developed independently. As soon as the process is completed and the ecosystem is formed, Digital Pass will start its primary day-to-day operations.