Binance CEO Collecting Charity to Fight Craig Wright

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao established a new Binance Charity Foundation program to help out those who struggle to pay legal fees after being sued by Craig Wright. In such a way, he wants to prevent the self-proclaimed Satoshi from bullying people.

Teuta Franjkovic By Teuta Franjkovic Updated 4 mins read
Binance CEO Collecting Charity to Fight Craig Wright
Photo: Binance Italia / Medium

As we were already saying – the real soap opera (or sitcom, depends if it is more dramatic or funny) has to be “refreshed” every now and then. Thanks to Craig Wright, it’s more now than then.

Today, CZ Binance aka Changpeng Zhao, decided to fight Craig Wright with all weapons allowed. In his recent tweet, he actually announced the start of a charity which raises fees for people who are being picked on by Craig Wright.

Just because he can, CZ put his money where his mouth is and donated $10,000 in BNB to this fund.

The Binance CEO expects the cases will be a “slam dunk,” saying:

“The donations will be sent to selected lawyer directly from BCF, with proper verifications and tracked on the blockchain. And when the case is done, we should get the funds back from the lawyers.”

CZ also said that the cases, after raising the legal fees, “should be a slam dunk” and that “loser would have to cover the legal fees”.

Just for reminder, after the self-called Satoshi Craig Wright went on a lawsuit spree, numerous crypto personalities now have to deal with legal fees.

However, not everyone drives Lambos with ‘BITCOIN’ license plates, and it could be quite burdensome for some to face Wright’s legal threats. In order to tackle that problem, Binance urges the crypto community to give a helping hand to those in need.

Wright’s Black List

So, let’s see who we have there:

Wright started serving people with legal notices for harassing him with tweets or comments. The barrage of lawsuits began with Hodlonaut, a Twitter user who seemed to have started the hashtag “CraigWrightIsAFraud.”

Hodlenaut was a Twitter user who recently received the ire of Wright after claiming in a series of tweets he was a “fraud” and posting images mocking him.

Then came Peter Mc Cormack for whom Wright filed a libel claim in the United Kingdom for the claim is that McCormack accused Wright of fraud and falsely claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin (BTC).

After that, as if it wasn’t enough, came Vitalik Buterin, the Ethereum Co-Founder and Wright, you can guess, sent legal notices to him threatening with lawsuits for libel and defamation. Vitalik did respond, but – not how Wright would have expected:

We shouldn’t forget that Wright accused Binance of engaging in wash trading and money laundering saying:

“You have things like CZ (Changpeng Zhao, Binance CEO) there and Binance which is super bucket shop which are basically money laundering organizations. They wash trades and money laundering. That’s how they make money.”

He also revolutionary added that the leading cryptocurrency exchange engages in market manipulation.

Last but not the least in the row was Roger Ver. Craig Wright made his accusation of libel towards Ver on the basis of a video. It was initially posted on April 15 and titled “Special Message to Craig Wright”. As per pro-Wright website CoinGeek, Ver’s exact words were “Craig Wright is a liar and a fraud. So sue me. Again.”

Like many other critics, Ver said he disagreed with Wright’s strategy of suing people in the crypto industry to prove that he is Satoshi Nakamoto. Roger Ver said to CoinSpeaker that he’s aware Wright is going to sue him and that’s just what happened two days ago. His response to CZ’s offer was:

No, Thank You

However, McCormack has also responded, basically saying thanks but no thanks:

“Hmmm. Thanks for this CZ but I really don’t think people should donate their hard-earned Bitcoin to my fund. I got myself into, it is up to me to deal with. Also, it may cost more to fight it than what they want.”

In whichever way this charity ends, one thing is clear – CZ will definitely do the good deed himself by donating $10,000 worth of BNB, and according to him, after collecting the necessary amount of crypto, the lawsuits will stop ‘automatically.’

All crypto donations will be sent to high-profile lawyers from BCF. In order to reach the maximum level of transparency, every single transaction will be recorded on the Blockchain. Lawyers are supposed to give back the extra funds that will be either returned to the donors or allocated to charitable causes.

Teuta Franjkovic

Experienced creative professional focusing on financial and political analysis, editing daily newspapers and news sites, economical and political journalism, consulting, PR and Marketing. Teuta’s passion is to create new opportunities and bring people together.

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