American Senate Passes $3.5 Trillion Budget Plan

The bigger $3.5 trillion budget package passed by the American Senate has been tagged as a complementary expenditure plan to the $1 trillion infrastructure bill passed on Tuesday.

Godfrey Benjamin By Godfrey Benjamin Updated 3 mins read
American Senate Passes $3.5 Trillion Budget Plan
Photo: Shutterstock

The American Senate has passed a comprehensive $3.5 trillion budget resolution, a move that helped in advancing the broader economic plans of the Biden Administration. Per a CNBC report, the lawmakers deliberated on the bill for about 14 hours and voted along party lines in a 50 – 49 vote count in favor of the ruling Democrat. 

The measure, according to the report will see the Senators craft a bill that would spend up to $3.5 trillion on climate initiatives, paid leave, child care, education and health care. The American government as backed by the Senate is big on overhauling key aspects of the economy, with a grand plan to fund the multi-trillion initiatives using tax payers money.

Not a single Republican Senator voted in favor of the $3.5 trillion proposition on grounds that the tax increases on corporations and wealthy individuals Democrats plan to use to pay for it will put more strain on the economy. Senator Lindsey Graham, a member of the budget committee said the bill can increase inflation, lead to higher taxes and energy costs for working Americans and open the border to more illegal immigration amongst other things. 

However, Democrat leaders see the budget passage as a win.

“Today we move this country in a very different direction” with a budget plan that will “ask the wealthiest people in our country to start paying their fair share of taxes,” Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders, said on Tuesday as debate began.

The broader bill is not likely to be passed by Congress until after a few weeks which may possibly run into months. The House is on recess till September 20, and the Senate has the ultimate target of perfecting the details of budget resolution before the House will begin deliberations on it.

The American Senate Passed Two Complimentary Budgets

The bigger $3.5 trillion budget package passed by the American Senate has been tagged as a complementary expenditure plan to the $1 trillion infrastructure bill passed on Tuesday. The Infrastructure Bill, unlike the $3.5 trillion spending blueprint for the Biden Administration was a bipartisan effort to fix the nation’s weakening infrastructural facilities.

The trillion package will be focused on improving American roads, bridges, and in building additional affordable housing as well as other key aspects of the economy including rebranding the airports and waterways. The bill, despite the controversy it brought in relation to the clause on cryptocurrency service providers, received a 69-30 vote. 

President Joe Biden commended the passage of the bill and showered accolades on the Republican Senators who joined hands with the Democrats in helping the bill scale by saying it showed that bipartisanship is not a “relic of an earlier age.”

Both the Infrastructure Bill and the $3.5 trillion spendings will face their next hurdle at the Congress which has Democrats as the majority.

Godfrey Benjamin

Benjamin Godfrey is a blockchain enthusiast and journalist who relishes writing about the real life applications of blockchain technology and innovations to drive general acceptance and worldwide integration of the emerging technology. His desire to educate people about cryptocurrencies inspires his contributions to renowned blockchain media and sites.

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